Javanese Kittens


The Javanese is a great jumper. She can leap effortlessly to the top of the refrigerator, bookcases, and even the tops of doors. She is lively, but still loving. She will sit quietly with her parent, purring and being petted.

The Javanese is talkative, responsive, and curious cat that loves the company of their owner. Javanese Cats have an

overall height of 9”-12” (23-30 cm),

body length of 12”-16” (30-41 cm),

and weight between 5-10 lb (2.3-4.5 kg).

lifespan between 10-15 years.



The Javanese is a great jumper. She can leap effortlessly to the top of the refrigerator, bookcases, and even the tops of doors. She is lively, but still loving. She will sit quietly with her parent, purring and being petted.

The Javanese is talkative, responsive, and curious cat that loves the company of their owner. Javanese Cats have an

overall height of 9”-12” (23-30 cm),

body length of 12”-16” (30-41 cm),

and weight between 5-10 lb (2.3-4.5 kg).

lifespan between 10-15 years.

Javanese Cats for Sale Online, Javanese Cats for Sale Online
Shop Javanese cats for sale online. Find energetic, affectionate, and talkative cats who love the company of their owners. Get your perfect companion today!

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So, whether in captivity or in the wild, Green winged Macaw stands as a symbol of beauty and vitality. Their presence enriches their surroundings, both aesthetically and ecologically. As ambassadors of their habitat, they highlight the importance of conservation efforts to protect not only their species but also the diverse ecosystems they inhabit.